

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ka Leo Arts Festival 2013 - Ceramic Booth

Yay Ceramics! During the Ka Leo Arts Festival at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the ceramics department set up a booth with throwing demos and handcrafted stuff to sell :D.

Jason and Sam throwing.

Sarah attracting a crowd with her lovely pots and jewelry.

Jake, Sarah, and Jordan :D

Kenybara :D

How do you throw taller?
Like dis. Shawn shows how it's done.


Studio Flooded! 2013

Over the weekend of December 1st, the studio flooded D:. The storm drain outside was clogged with a tarp and leaves so all the rainwater was directed into the BFA room, kiln room, and ceramic sculpture room. Even though I was working in the sculpture room, I hadn't noticed it until I got off the table I was working on. Luckily there were a few people working nearby that were able to help and try to squeegee as much of the water out >.<.

Rebecca Harvey Workshop 2014

Rebecca Harvey, Professor of Art at The Ohio State University, visited the University of Hawaii at Manoa to give a workshop on how she does image transfers using underglaze. The workshop was free to participate in, so many students were able to attend and experiment with her technique.

Applying underglaze over the screen and onto tissue paper for tissue paper transfer.

Applying an image directly onto a piece. It can be applied over glaze too.

Jordan Random 1 & 2

Everyone hard at work :)

Combining colors and layering.

Jordan Random 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7

Tiles that students made.

Shawn and Rebecca.


Students having fun :D. Featuring Summer, Jordan, Kaitlyn, and Jason.
Jordan Random 8 & 9.
 Jordan Random 10.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Beth Cavener Workshop 2014

Beth Cavener Stichter is an amazing artist who is known for her large scale sculptures that capture the human psyche in animal form. Over the course of 3 days, Beth taught a workshop at the University of Hawaii at Manoa to teach her process from start to finish. She covered just about everything through thorough presentations and demonstrations. It was a great experience that I was lucky enough to participate in for free ^o^.

 One of the demos was for creating eyes. Everyone was required to participate and at the end we put all the eyes on the table for a picture. It's interesting how different each eye is. That's Beth up there, posing for the cameras :D.
Here, Beth demonstrates how she hollows out the sculpture. This part was really something. When I first saw her work, I had no idea just how large they were and was awed when she said that she hollowed them out to just fractions of an inch.

This is my pudgy project! The smaller piece in front is the mockette for the overall design. I suppose its some sort of rodent, but many people have said it looks like Yoda i_i . Fat Yoda indeed.