

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hobo Chicken With Daven Hee

 Daven Hee teaches ceramics over the summer at UH Manoa. Just for fun, he showed us how to cook in the kilns. Everyone got a chicken, which they prepared to their liking. This included gutting it (@_@), seasoning it, and wrapping it up with ti leaves, foil, and clay.

 I've never handled a raw chicken before >w<. It felt weird.

Keny prepping to prep the chicken.

Stuffing the chicken... ewwwww.

Chickens in the kiln.

This is how you know its cooked.

Lauren unwrapping her chicken.

Lookin' yummy!

Keny wrapped his in bacon *o*!

Haaaaa Theresa got chicken juice on her.

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